Saturday, March 17, 2007

time for an update!

Hi everyone, I know that it has been a while since i posted anything but I have finally got around to it. Life has been hectic here for the last few weeks and time is just flying past. It is hard to believe that it is the middle of March already. Well I am well and truly working three nights a week (apart for march) in pathology and while it is paying the bills I still have a few of the old issues with it eg still cant stand it and cant wait to not have to do it!!) but other than that it is going OK. I am two weeks into my prac now and really enjoying it, I have taught a few lessons and am learning quite a bit both about myself and teaching!
Daz and the boys are going really well. Darren has the entire month of March of as I'm on prac and he is loving being a house daddy! the boys are really enjoying having him home as well. Caden is talking really well now and other people can actually understand him!! not just parental interpretations!! he is really into planes as we can see them go over head in their take-off and landing patterns when we are outside. we took him to the fly day out at Temora in February and he had a wonderful morning! He is going really well at day care this year and has settled right down. no issues in the mornings any more. he just loves going and the two days there is doing him wonders! Tyler our little munchkin is now 8 months old and has just started to crawl one or two crawls in the last couple of days so it wont be too far away and then Caden is in trouble!! he still only has the two teeth an this week has started saying dad dad dad! no mum mum yet but we'll work on that!! Tyler is in daycare with Caden one day a week as well and is settling in quite well. the love the fact that he LOVES food! and has no worries eating it! anyway I'd better dash as Caden is nearly ready for bed and dinner is ready!!
talk you all soon (i hope)




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