Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 29 Daily December

Another quiet day at home today. It was hot again but the boys still have coughs so we are reluctant to bust out their slip and slide. Soon we hope. So Today was vege freezing day - oops sorry that is magic sauce making day! Caden really really dislikes veges, to the point he gags more often than not on them. so we puree up a heap and freeze them. They go into any possible sauce or meal that we have.  The latex muffin trays are a godsend as I use those to freeze them in and they just pop out - better than baking trays or plastic bags also it lets you have a good couple of tablespoon of veges in each one.


I wanted to try out the light in the boys toy room now that there is a little bit more room. Ty wasn't that interested but gee he is cute! Bunny got in on the action too!


enjoy J

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