Sunday, July 11, 2010

TIme flies past far far to quickly…

Our little  man is turning 4. Tomorrow he is really on the road to being a big big boy and he cant wait. I am astounded at how much this little person amazes me with his sheer force of personality, his depth to love, need for cuddles and kisses, his incessant chatter and yes the ability to drive me insane. While it has been only 4 short (and a times long) years that our little man has been here We could not possible live without him!

Here is a glimpse of the last 4 July's where we welcomed Tyler to our lives.

my big belly the morning he was born. We were on our way to the hospital and in a few short hours we would know if we have a new son or daughter..

july 13 003we


My two boys and I

july 13 059

Daddy and his new love! july 13 1032 days old here! july 13 tyler 039_8x10bwAll squooshy at 4 days old img style="border-bottom: 0px; border-left: 0px; display: block; float: none; margin-left: auto; border-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; border-right: 0px" title="july 13 tyler 168bw" border="0" alt="july 13 tyler 168bw" src="$july 13 tyler 168bw_thumb.jpg" width="606" height="435" />Our 1 year old! Dumma and Bunny are never far away! IMG_4155 Is he gonna do the first steps on his own?IMG_4167yup he did it! IMG_4191 Happy first birthday little man!IMG_4200_8x10and now the 2yo holy terror! DSCF0258DSCF0288DSCF0355_resize IMG_7410_resizethen the 3’s – getting a bit over photos on his big day!



and birthday eve! the last day as a 3yo I bribed him to come out the front to grab these!


Happy birthday for tomorrow my little man!


Love you



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