Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Whew we survived!

Its is funny how looking after kids can really run you ragged, and let you just sit and enjoy the peace and quiet in the house before they wake! Yesterday was the first day since probably February that the kids weren't in day-care. Wow how much they go go go! I have to admit though, they have been excellent except for absolute complete and utter hyperactivity come dinner time. Strange thing these children!

Well is was a busy fun filled day. We made a cubby house, pancakes, Christmas cookies, Christmas cakes to take to school, and I also managed to fit in printing off calendars and books that I am making for Christmas. Hmm as I sit here contemplating my days ahead I think oh my goodness there is so much to do! But as Daz always says to me..."One step at a time". So here are my steps from yesterday...


in the cubby


the cookies


the cakes


the helper!

We had lots of fun! Oh and I have done some more daily December pages

december-13-08-p1 december-13-08-p2 december-13-08-p3 december-14-08--p2

All supplies came from Shabby Princess, Designer Digitals, Little Dreamer Designs and Jessica Sprague. If you want specifics let me know.



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