Friday, July 16, 2010

looking good!

While the last few weeks have been really really rough with Daz being sooooo sick. There is nothing like a dose of chicken pox as an adult that turns into CP pneumonia and is life threatening to make you really appreciate how precious life is. The boys had it, They had it for 5 days and honestly they were hardly sick or soptty really. Now Daz, well consider head to toe spots and sick sick sick. We did a dash to the ER at 5pm on a Thursday night. He was feeling worse and we knew it wasn’t just normal CP. Thank goodness we did. 4 nights in hospital, 4 weeks off work – 3.5 of them on the couch or in bed, losing 12 kg in that time (well the first fortnight) very good doctors that picked up how sick he was early and the fact that we listened to our gut means that we caught it in time. After a recent appointment with a respiratory specialist he told us how lucky we were as in some cases it can be fatal. Daz still has a way to go before he is back to 100% But I gotta tell you that he has come out of fabulously and spunky! and skinny! lol!




love you



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