today we…
Started the day going insane. This cold cold cold weather is so not nice. We are day 3 into holidays and being cooped up inside is so not good for sanity sake – especially when little brother just wants to play with big brother who wants some quiet time.
Anyhoo we went shopping – got some really cool shoes for the boys (perfect for photos), a new shirt, some coloured paper and drawing stuff.
Thank goodness that new textas+ new notebooks = content kiddos for a while.
Caden did these… Tyler did this…
so we made some origami..
our ladybirds and our ghost
at kids request over the last couple of days we made cookies…
fairy cookies
jam drops
chocolate chip (milk and white chocolate)
and dinner was lasagna… yum!
then we finished with jokes, giggles and snuggles this child of mine thinks it is funny to get in really close where usually I cant get the shot. haha joke is on him tonight as I had the right lens on :)
so that is our. all in all a pretty good day. much improved from yesterday when I was so over the day by about 3pm.
Oh nearly forgot to mention – I am such a mean Mama – I made C do a journal writing exercise tonight too. He did really well. needed prompting to expand on “we went to the shops” but I am happy with what he did.
enjoy J
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