Sunday, August 2, 2009

On our way to Townsville!

We are off! This is the first time we have flown as a family and Tyler's first time ever on a plane! We were up at 4 to get to the airport and car park in plenty of time. The boys were do excited although Tyler wasn't too happy in the Car park with it being so dark, he was scared and had no qualms at telling us over and over. We have our new luggage and the laptop and the camera bag and the kids bags and off we go! Here are a few glimpses of our first airplane trip!


just before take off!DSCF0920

waiting till we get clearance


strapping in!


view from across the aisle!DSCF0929DSCF0930

Watching a Qantas plane land  DSCF0941

a little bit of drawing 1.5 hours in and getting bored!DSCF0943

view out the window!DSCF0946

a healthy breakfast NOT!DSCF0947

It is a Lazy Town activity morning! Caden is matching up the Person with the belongings. After the first two having help he figured the rest out himself!DSCF0953

Caden taking a photo of Blankie who was a big comfort!DSCF0958

Tyler being feral!


Ty taking a pic of Daddy!

First glimpse of magnetic Island and TownsvilleDSCF0965DSCF0932

enjoy J

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