Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bits of today

The dudes went to school and Daz and I got to see the new Fast and the Furious movie which was really good. Love those chase scenes in the cars!! After picking the boys up we played outside for a while. Caden let me take a couple of photos  - more that he ran past me saying "Nah nah you can't catch me!" So here is my 'catch! my little Sportacus complete with his goggles and arm bands!SONY DSC

Our funny from this morning was:

Mummy: "What colour pillow case do you want?"

Caden: "blah blah blah!"

Mummy: " where did you learn that?" (without getting a colour answer yet)

Caden: " You know, I say it all the time"

now to fill in the gaps this was the first time he has said it to me and in a response to a question. He stopped me dead and cracked me up. Oh we are in for it as he gets older!!

Tyler wasn't too happy about falling on something inside. love those tears and the big strong squidgee cuddles to make them go away!


Oh and we are nearing the end of our biggest loser watching journey! The boys and I watch it every night (they do it some nights under sufferance asking every 2 minutes for Lazy town but they know Mummy likes watching). The boys are pretty savvy as to what goes on and the names of the people in it. they have learnt a bit about weight loss (more the excitement that the wight itself gives rather than the abstract concept of WL for them). SO it is down to the final 4 and only one more weigh in before finale. very cool!

enjoy J

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