Friday, December 5, 2008

Daily funnies...

T wanted to ride his bike this morning so as I went out to watch he turned around to me and said "photo mummy". I asked if he wanted me to take some photos of him with the big or little camera... The answer was "little"; gee did I get in trouble when I pulled out my big one! Still got the photos though! I thought I have to write this down because in a matter of months I am going to be getting the "don't photo me" routine again – one that C is finally coming out of!

C has a Sportacus outfit that he calls his Spiderman one. Well he wore it to school the other day and I had to wash it. As I was hanging it out he sat on the grass (at 7.30 in the morning mind you) and said that "he was waiting for it to dry so he could wear it". Very cute... despite having to explain that he could have it after school! SO the first thing when he gets home is to put it on and now he has gone to bed with it... Oh to be 4 years old again!

Last night I just had to get the boys some Christmas books. I felt that we weren't giving them enough of the stories of Christmas - although they are getting some at school. SO I bought them some Australian ones - the Australian night before Christmas, 12 days of Christmas, a Thomas the tank one and the Christmas Star - which you move the star onto each page about the three wise men. These are really nice and it feels great to e able to read to my kids about things going on now from both in the past and present and from here and other worlds and times.

I am actually up to date with the December daily album which is nice and have redone the card to be sent. Here they are – mostly all from the Shabby Princess (here) and designer digitals (here) plus templates and embellishments from Jessica Sprague (from here and here). If I have missed credits I am sorry and will try to fix it up!


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