Merry Christmas
Wow! it is here and has nearly gone... Christmas day that is. WE had a wonderful day full of fun and laughter, presents and good cheer. The kids scored really well from both family and friends and Santa as well. I think we will have to almost build a new cupboard/room just to put away the toys!
We just got back from 5 nights at the beach in Merimbula on the South coast which despite only being low 20's weather wise as well as windy was really nice. The boys went swimming in the beach but I have to admit that there was only one or two times that I got more than a toe wet!
There were some lovely sights and I really enjoyed taking photos while i was there. I kept up with the Daily December album - although I will admit I am only up to day 24 at the moment. And considering that today as Christmas Day between the three digital cameras we had between us we took A LOT of photos!
ok some POTD... from the last few days and of course a Merry Christmas to you!
on the Snowy Mountain Hwy
C being introduced to beach play!
at the Lake just across from us
Our walk along the boardwalk
Bird... loved the bird, the reflection, and the shadow!
Lookout at Tathra.
The trawlers at Port of Eden.
A cool metal pelican sculpture.
first shell...
and the Christmas...
the present of the day - the Whipper snipper and mower
the Spiderman suit
the bubbles from the bubble machine!
the tree
C opening the first of many...
T opening the first of many!...
ok enough!
more later from the beach
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