So sick of the heat
I know that this is one of the comments that EVERYONE is saying at the moment. We just cant seem to be able to escape from it. we are now into about our 10th day over 40degrees C and I think that it is worse than winter. Then at least you can rug up with jumpers and layer upon layer and stay warm. trying to cool down is such another matter. We haven't ben able to take the kids to the pool much this year because every time we go C seems to get sick so we have just avoided it. We have a little pool out the back for them to play in and they have used this quite a lot. I realised that I haven't been writing my lists of what we have been doing but I guess the photos tell the stories!
ummm here is our week summed up:
Wednesday - Kids in school, had a good day, C had his face scratched accidentally and ended up with a Band-Aid on his face - looked worse than it actually was with the Band-Aid on! Daz caught up on sleep, I scrapped and tried to figure out what was going on with my camera, had a major stress day over what to do if no work was coming my way, started thinking about working towards a photography career - maybe? anyway took the sunrise, Tyler helping out with the rubbish, and playing with his drill after drilling the dirt!
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Thursday - We went to the park,the kids played in the pool, did painting, I figured out the solution to my focus problem with my camera, Daz caught up with some sleep while the boys were in school, we had a water fight, the boys played air guitar to our ABC kids DVD.
Friday - the kids were home again and Tyler let me take some photos posed of a sort while sucking on a big candy cane that I had from Christmas! Some turned out well and others were interesting and down right ordinary! I started shooting in RAW today & started having to post process some the photos. It is coming along but again there will be a steep learning curve! the boys tried to dump water on their head this afternoon - made for pretty funny time. C loved it and laughed and laughed!
We went for a drive after dinner just to get out of the house and so I could get some sunset photos. I didn't get any sunset but I did get moon rise ones that was happy with (they are
here). WE also had some deaths in the fish tank- we got home from the drive and I realised that the water couldn't been seen through - 4 out of the 5 yabbies had died today without us even realising it. So with lots and lots of eeeeewww!, ick! and Gross! cursing Daz because this is his job not mine and having to change the filter, get rid of the newly departed and change the water I did it! thank you mum for telling me I HAD to do it otherwise it would have waited until Daz got home!Saturday - clean up and try to play outside while its not too hot, Daz emptied the fish tank and scrubbed it out, changed all the filters etc again and we bought the remaining yabbie a new home. The fishies are a lot happier and so is the yabbie! the boys were big helps to Daddy and wanted to feed the fish while they were out of the tank and in the big bucket! By the afternoon Tyler was SOOOO bored but we hit on him 'cooking" a packet of cotton balls, mini cupcake trays, bowl and spoons - one happy little camper! he played there for over half an hour mashing potatoes, mixing cakes and making little ones, spooning the 'mixture' into the tins. he had a great time! I got a new hair cut - nothing exciting but It always feels better when you have a trim!
ok enough for now
enjoy J
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