Saturday, January 9, 2010

bribery and a bit of determination is worth it

The other day I decided it was time to attempt a pose like one  a friend did of her little girls. Well let me tell you her pose? sweet as can be. My pose? my boys look like they are strangling one another :) However in saying that she has sweet girls and my boys? well I love them to death and yes they have sweet moments but they are pure boys rambunctious, full of energy, never stop running, jumping, wrestling, talking yelling ... did I mention NEVER STOP! :) anyway I managed to capture some sweet moments that reflect them in their entirety from cheeky to solemn to sweet to loving to choking one another.

One of the reasons I started on my journey in photography was to be able to get the quality portraits on the walls the way I want them not the way that someone else does them. I had some professional shots done just before Tyler's 1st birthday. I was actually disappointed it them. They are lovely shots in the setting I chose in the studio but they just seemed to lack the oomph that I wanted. Maybe just me but I knew then I knew what I wanted and since I have worked towards doing for myself and now hopefully others. Anyway on Tuesday I actually did it. I got a series of photos of my boys that I love. For the most part technically there are a few tweaks that with more experience I can improve on but I am happy and for me to say that is such a big thing. I know a couple a blurry (because I forgot that I was bbf) and  a little cooler (will fix that up before printing)  but to get that rare moment was worth it.  I am so overly critical of myself and in particular my photographs that I am never happy. So here are my happy pics of my boys. I have cropped them all to 11x14 and will be getting them printed when I can save a bit of money and framed in these gorgeous timber frames I have found. They perfectly complement the boys hair and have a black trim like the bg.

  BlogBoard boys jan 10 1BlogBoard boys jan 10 2

enjoy J

13 comments made my day.:

Anissa January 9, 2010 at 11:26 AM  

What cuties you have! I know what you mean -- the last ones I had done you could see the wall behind the background -- they where horrible not that mine are great -- but I think they are better!
Great shots! They are adorable.

Sharon January 9, 2010 at 11:30 AM  

The nicer term is incentive. ;) And whatever it takes to get great shots like these. Well done.

pat January 9, 2010 at 12:36 PM  

Jodie, these are seriously awesome. I am in awe that you could get those two firecrackers of yours to pose for you, and I love the casual, spontaneous shots you got. The brotherly love and cameraderie shows up so well in these photos, and I can see their personalities shining through. I LOVE the shot with the hand under the chin, slightly mugging....what a funny, typical brotherly moment.
Plus, I LOVE redheads.

Jodie January 9, 2010 at 1:11 PM  

Sharon - I couldnt ven term it incentive it our tight bibery! I suggest about 4 other things like going to th epark, icecreams lollies - now they are incentives but no I had to pull out the big guns of backugans to buy new ones if they gave ne what I wanted. IT took Caden all day to stop having hissy fits but he did it! so they earnt them and Daddy picked up the rewards on the way home!
Pat, Anissa, thank you so much.
Tami - yeah I might do a story board for the grandparents but I want them up big and spaced well I have a very empty wall in my dining room.

bprincephoto January 9, 2010 at 2:17 PM  

Lovely. your boys are adorable.

annabelle January 9, 2010 at 2:25 PM  

fabulous shots I esp like the b&w, such cute boys

Becca January 9, 2010 at 3:07 PM  

Fantastic work! Your persistence and dedication has definitely paid off. These are wonderful!

Anonymous January 9, 2010 at 4:25 PM  

I really like the one of your DS with his hands in his jeans, looking down. These show such brotherly love:)

Reds January 9, 2010 at 11:35 PM  

Great storyboard - your guys are so sweet!

Yolanda January 10, 2010 at 12:34 AM  

Fantastic shots! Really shows their personalities.

Gypsy Girl(Brenda) January 10, 2010 at 2:33 AM  

Aww I think these really came out great. They show so much interaction and personality. As a mother of 6 boys, I say just wait it does not get any easier.

tori January 10, 2010 at 3:03 AM  

These are great shots of your boys!

Cheryl January 10, 2010 at 6:21 AM  

These are all great.
You have managed to capture their personalities and that red hair is adorable. Love the brotherly effection sprinkled with a hint of mischief.
Well done. !!


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