Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Woo Hoo it rained!

It was hot hot hot until 4 o'clock when I went to pick the boys up. It started spitting while I was still at the boys school then got very very heavy on the way home. In the 30 minutes I was gone the front yard near the door went from completely dry and dusty to this..

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then the rain, wind and hail came


followed by pouring in sunshine


and of course we did what any normal person with 2 little boys would do - send them out the front to dance and run and splash in the rain!

DSC00446 DSC00480  DSC00524 DSC00527 DSC00499 and of course sit in it!!

the sun breaking through


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they hopped into a hot bath to make sure their colds wouldn't get worse and played with the syringes..


and then cuddles


love these boys!

enjoy  J

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